The story could have ended on a more positive note. Instead of resigning from his job, Mahendra could have shown more courage and proved the ghost theory wrong. Another ending can be of both Mahendra and Iswaran continuing their bond and leaving the place together. For more answers visit to website:Read more
The story could have ended on a more positive note. Instead of resigning from his job, Mahendra could have shown more courage and proved the ghost theory wrong.
Another ending can be of both Mahendra and Iswaran continuing their bond and leaving the place together.
Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a fabrication of somebody’s thoughts because Iswaran had told him that they were living on a funeral site and kept narrating stories of various ghosts to him which he had faced. On a full moon night, Mahendra woke up from his sleep and could hear a low groan close toRead more
Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a fabrication of somebody’s thoughts because Iswaran had told him that they were living on a funeral site and kept narrating stories of various ghosts to him which he had faced.
On a full moon night, Mahendra woke up from his sleep and could hear a low groan close to his window. He thought that it was a cat pouncing around for a mice. But the sound was too deep and did not seem like a cat. He avoided looking outside as he did not want to counter whatever was there. He wanted to avoid that sight which was breath taking.
But the groaning became louder and less faint. He could not resist that noise any more so he lowered himself out of the windowsill .he looked out at the moonlight outside and saw a dark cloudy figure holding a bundle. He started sweating due to fear and fell back on the pillow, gasping.
The author says so because Iswaran provided a great company to Mahendra. He would talk with Mahendra at night when he returned home from his work. Mahendra would get entertained from stories told by Iswaran. Thus, with Iswaran around Mahendra never felt bored with each other and never felt the necesRead more
The author says so because Iswaran provided a great company to Mahendra. He would talk with Mahendra at night when he returned home from his work. Mahendra would get entertained from stories told by Iswaran. Thus, with Iswaran around Mahendra never felt bored with each other and never felt the necessity of having a TV for entertainment.
He began the story of the elephant by giving a preface in which he called elephants ‘big and huge well-fed beasts.’ He said that after absconding from the timber yard, the elephant started roaming around, engraved on bushes and tore apart the wild creepers. It came to the main road of the town and bRead more
He began the story of the elephant by giving a preface in which he called elephants ‘big and huge well-fed beasts.’ He said that after absconding from the timber yard, the elephant started roaming around, engraved on bushes and tore apart the wild creepers. It came to the main road of the town and broke all the stalls which were there selling fruits, mud pots, and clothes etc. Then it went into a school ground where children were playing. It pulled out the football goal-post, broke down the volleyball net and crushed the drum kept for water and uprooted the shrubs. All the teachers and students were so afraid that they started climbing up to the terrace of the school building.
According to Iswaran, he was in the junior class at that time. He took a cane from one of the teacher and ran into the open. The elephant was grunting and stamping its feet. The entire scene was frightening. Still, he moved slowly towards it and when the elephant rushed towards him, he moved and dead beat its third toe nail. It looked surprised and then fell down. This story does not appear to be believable so it is not plausible.
Iswaran described the uprooted tree on the highway as eyebrows made appropriately and hands stretched out in a dramatic manner. He would begin by saying that the road was aloof, deserted and he was also all alone. Suddenly he found something that looked like a huge bushy beast lying across the road.Read more
Iswaran described the uprooted tree on the highway as eyebrows made appropriately and hands stretched out in a dramatic manner. He would begin by saying that the road was aloof, deserted and he was also all alone. Suddenly he found something that looked like a huge bushy beast lying across the road. He was half bent to turn and go back. But when he came closer he saw that it was a tree which had fallen down and its dry branches were spread out.
The effect he wanted to create is suspense resulting in a very small incident which he narrates to the readers.
Can you think of some other ending for the story?
The story could have ended on a more positive note. Instead of resigning from his job, Mahendra could have shown more courage and proved the ghost theory wrong. Another ending can be of both Mahendra and Iswaran continuing their bond and leaving the place together. For more answers visit to website:Read more
The story could have ended on a more positive note. Instead of resigning from his job, Mahendra could have shown more courage and proved the ghost theory wrong.
Another ending can be of both Mahendra and Iswaran continuing their bond and leaving the place together.
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Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a figment of the imagination. What happens to him on a full-moon night?
Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a fabrication of somebody’s thoughts because Iswaran had told him that they were living on a funeral site and kept narrating stories of various ghosts to him which he had faced. On a full moon night, Mahendra woke up from his sleep and could hear a low groan close toRead more
Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a fabrication of somebody’s thoughts because Iswaran had told him that they were living on a funeral site and kept narrating stories of various ghosts to him which he had faced.
On a full moon night, Mahendra woke up from his sleep and could hear a low groan close to his window. He thought that it was a cat pouncing around for a mice. But the sound was too deep and did not seem like a cat. He avoided looking outside as he did not want to counter whatever was there. He wanted to avoid that sight which was breath taking.
But the groaning became louder and less faint. He could not resist that noise any more so he lowered himself out of the windowsill .he looked out at the moonlight outside and saw a dark cloudy figure holding a bundle. He started sweating due to fear and fell back on the pillow, gasping.
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Why does the author say that Iswaran seemed to more than make up for the absence of a TV in Mahendra’s living quarters?
The author says so because Iswaran provided a great company to Mahendra. He would talk with Mahendra at night when he returned home from his work. Mahendra would get entertained from stories told by Iswaran. Thus, with Iswaran around Mahendra never felt bored with each other and never felt the necesRead more
The author says so because Iswaran provided a great company to Mahendra. He would talk with Mahendra at night when he returned home from his work. Mahendra would get entertained from stories told by Iswaran. Thus, with Iswaran around Mahendra never felt bored with each other and never felt the necessity of having a TV for entertainment.
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How does he narrate the story of the tusker? Does it appear to be plausible?
He began the story of the elephant by giving a preface in which he called elephants ‘big and huge well-fed beasts.’ He said that after absconding from the timber yard, the elephant started roaming around, engraved on bushes and tore apart the wild creepers. It came to the main road of the town and bRead more
He began the story of the elephant by giving a preface in which he called elephants ‘big and huge well-fed beasts.’ He said that after absconding from the timber yard, the elephant started roaming around, engraved on bushes and tore apart the wild creepers. It came to the main road of the town and broke all the stalls which were there selling fruits, mud pots, and clothes etc. Then it went into a school ground where children were playing. It pulled out the football goal-post, broke down the volleyball net and crushed the drum kept for water and uprooted the shrubs. All the teachers and students were so afraid that they started climbing up to the terrace of the school building.
According to Iswaran, he was in the junior class at that time. He took a cane from one of the teacher and ran into the open. The elephant was grunting and stamping its feet. The entire scene was frightening. Still, he moved slowly towards it and when the elephant rushed towards him, he moved and dead beat its third toe nail. It looked surprised and then fell down. This story does not appear to be believable so it is not plausible.
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How does Iswaran describe the uprooted tree on the highway? What effect does he want to create in his listeners?
Iswaran described the uprooted tree on the highway as eyebrows made appropriately and hands stretched out in a dramatic manner. He would begin by saying that the road was aloof, deserted and he was also all alone. Suddenly he found something that looked like a huge bushy beast lying across the road.Read more
Iswaran described the uprooted tree on the highway as eyebrows made appropriately and hands stretched out in a dramatic manner. He would begin by saying that the road was aloof, deserted and he was also all alone. Suddenly he found something that looked like a huge bushy beast lying across the road. He was half bent to turn and go back. But when he came closer he saw that it was a tree which had fallen down and its dry branches were spread out.
The effect he wanted to create is suspense resulting in a very small incident which he narrates to the readers.
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