Dietary fibre, or roughage, helps the body eliminate undigested food. Explanation: Fibre aids digestion and supports regular bowel movements. For more please visit here:
Dietary fibre, or roughage, helps the body eliminate undigested food.
Explanation: Fibre aids digestion and supports regular bowel movements.
Oranges, lemons, and guava. Explanation: Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C, important for immune health. For more please visit here:
Oranges, lemons, and guava.
Explanation: Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C, important for immune health.
Vitamin C helps the body fight diseases. Explanation: Vitamin C boosts immunity and aids in the repair of tissues. For more please visit here:
Vitamin C helps the body fight diseases.
Explanation: Vitamin C boosts immunity and aids in the repair of tissues.
They protect the body from diseases and keep it healthy. Explanation: Vitamins and minerals support immunity, maintain health, and prevent deficiency diseases. For more please visit here:
They protect the body from diseases and keep it healthy.
Explanation: Vitamins and minerals support immunity, maintain health, and prevent deficiency diseases.
Milk, eggs, beans, and pulses are rich in proteins. Explanation: Protein-rich foods support body growth and repair, essential for athletes and growing children. For more please visit here:
Milk, eggs, beans, and pulses are rich in proteins.
Explanation: Protein-rich foods support body growth and repair, essential for athletes and growing children.
Proteins are known as body-building foods. Explanation: Proteins aid in growth, muscle repair, and maintenance of tissues. For more please visit here:
Proteins are known as body-building foods.
Explanation: Proteins aid in growth, muscle repair, and maintenance of tissues.
Animals like fish have fins for swimming, while goats use legs for walking on land. Explanation: Movement adaptations correspond to the environment, with animals developing specific body parts for effective movement in water, air, or on land. For more please visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.comRead more
Animals like fish have fins for swimming, while goats use legs for walking on land. Explanation: Movement adaptations correspond to the environment, with animals developing specific body parts for effective movement in water, air, or on land.
Venation distributes water and nutrients throughout the leaf. The two main types are reticulate (net-like) and parallel. Explanation: Reticulate venation is typical in dicots, aiding in nutrient distribution across a larger surface, while parallel venation, common in monocots, supports long, narrowRead more
Venation distributes water and nutrients throughout the leaf. The two main types are reticulate (net-like) and parallel.
Explanation: Reticulate venation is typical in dicots, aiding in nutrient distribution across a larger surface, while parallel venation, common in monocots, supports long, narrow leaves.
Monocots have one cotyledon in their seeds, parallel venation in leaves, and fibrous roots, while dicots have two cotyledons, reticulate venation, and taproots. Explanation: These differences help in categorizing plants, providing insights into their structure, nutrient storage, and root system, whiRead more
Monocots have one cotyledon in their seeds, parallel venation in leaves, and fibrous roots, while dicots have two cotyledons, reticulate venation, and taproots.
Explanation: These differences help in categorizing plants, providing insights into their structure, nutrient storage, and root system, which affect growth and adaptability.
Plants are classified into herbs, shrubs, and trees based on their stem type and height. Explanation: This classification helps differentiate plants by physical structure, where herbs have soft stems, shrubs have woody stems branching near the ground, and trees have thick, tall trunks. For more pleaRead more
Plants are classified into herbs, shrubs, and trees based on their stem type and height.
Explanation: This classification helps differentiate plants by physical structure, where herbs have soft stems, shrubs have woody stems branching near the ground, and trees have thick, tall trunks.
What is dietary fibre?
Dietary fibre, or roughage, helps the body eliminate undigested food. Explanation: Fibre aids digestion and supports regular bowel movements. For more please visit here:
Dietary fibre, or roughage, helps the body eliminate undigested food.
Explanation: Fibre aids digestion and supports regular bowel movements.
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What foods are high in Vitamin C?
Oranges, lemons, and guava. Explanation: Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C, important for immune health. For more please visit here:
Oranges, lemons, and guava.
Explanation: Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C, important for immune health.
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What is Vitamin Cs role in the body?
Vitamin C helps the body fight diseases. Explanation: Vitamin C boosts immunity and aids in the repair of tissues. For more please visit here:
Vitamin C helps the body fight diseases.
Explanation: Vitamin C boosts immunity and aids in the repair of tissues.
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Why do we need vitamins and minerals?
They protect the body from diseases and keep it healthy. Explanation: Vitamins and minerals support immunity, maintain health, and prevent deficiency diseases. For more please visit here:
They protect the body from diseases and keep it healthy.
Explanation: Vitamins and minerals support immunity, maintain health, and prevent deficiency diseases.
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What foods are rich in proteins?
Milk, eggs, beans, and pulses are rich in proteins. Explanation: Protein-rich foods support body growth and repair, essential for athletes and growing children. For more please visit here:
Milk, eggs, beans, and pulses are rich in proteins.
Explanation: Protein-rich foods support body growth and repair, essential for athletes and growing children.
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What are body-building foods?
Proteins are known as body-building foods. Explanation: Proteins aid in growth, muscle repair, and maintenance of tissues. For more please visit here:
Proteins are known as body-building foods.
Explanation: Proteins aid in growth, muscle repair, and maintenance of tissues.
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How do animals move differently based on their environment?
Animals like fish have fins for swimming, while goats use legs for walking on land. Explanation: Movement adaptations correspond to the environment, with animals developing specific body parts for effective movement in water, air, or on land. For more please visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.comRead more
Animals like fish have fins for swimming, while goats use legs for walking on land. Explanation: Movement adaptations correspond to the environment, with animals developing specific body parts for effective movement in water, air, or on land.
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What is the purpose of venation in leaves and what are the two main types?
Venation distributes water and nutrients throughout the leaf. The two main types are reticulate (net-like) and parallel. Explanation: Reticulate venation is typical in dicots, aiding in nutrient distribution across a larger surface, while parallel venation, common in monocots, supports long, narrowRead more
Venation distributes water and nutrients throughout the leaf. The two main types are reticulate (net-like) and parallel.
Explanation: Reticulate venation is typical in dicots, aiding in nutrient distribution across a larger surface, while parallel venation, common in monocots, supports long, narrow leaves.
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What is the difference between monocot and dicot plants?
Monocots have one cotyledon in their seeds, parallel venation in leaves, and fibrous roots, while dicots have two cotyledons, reticulate venation, and taproots. Explanation: These differences help in categorizing plants, providing insights into their structure, nutrient storage, and root system, whiRead more
Monocots have one cotyledon in their seeds, parallel venation in leaves, and fibrous roots, while dicots have two cotyledons, reticulate venation, and taproots.
Explanation: These differences help in categorizing plants, providing insights into their structure, nutrient storage, and root system, which affect growth and adaptability.
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What are the main types of plants based on stem characteristics?
Plants are classified into herbs, shrubs, and trees based on their stem type and height. Explanation: This classification helps differentiate plants by physical structure, where herbs have soft stems, shrubs have woody stems branching near the ground, and trees have thick, tall trunks. For more pleaRead more
Plants are classified into herbs, shrubs, and trees based on their stem type and height.
Explanation: This classification helps differentiate plants by physical structure, where herbs have soft stems, shrubs have woody stems branching near the ground, and trees have thick, tall trunks.
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