No, reproduction is a characteristic exclusive to living beings. Explanation: Non-living objects like stones cannot create new stones through reproduction. For more please visit here:
No, reproduction is a characteristic exclusive to living beings.
Explanation: Non-living objects like stones cannot create new stones through reproduction.
Reproduction is the biological process by which organisms produce offspring. Explanation: It ensures the survival of a species by creating new generations. For more please visit here:
Reproduction is the biological process by which organisms produce offspring.
Explanation: It ensures the survival of a species by creating new generations.
The touch-me-not plant (Mimosa pudica) folds its leaves when touched. Explanation: This rapid response to touch protects the plant from potential harm. For more please visit here:
The touch-me-not plant (Mimosa pudica) folds its leaves when touched.
Explanation: This rapid response to touch protects the plant from potential harm.
A stimulus is any change in the environment that elicits a response from a living organism. Explanation: Examples include light, temperature, or touch, prompting a reaction in plants and animals. For more please visit here: more
A stimulus is any change in the environment that elicits a response from a living organism.
Explanation: Examples include light, temperature, or touch, prompting a reaction in plants and animals.
Excretion removes waste products that can be harmful if accumulated. Explanation: By eliminating waste, organisms maintain internal balance, essential for health and survival. For more please visit here:
Excretion removes waste products that can be harmful if accumulated.
Explanation: By eliminating waste, organisms maintain internal balance, essential for health and survival.
Respiration is the process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide to produce energy. Explanation: All living beings, including plants, perform respiration to convert food into usable energy. For more please visit here: more
Respiration is the process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide to produce energy.
Explanation: All living beings, including plants, perform respiration to convert food into usable energy.
Food provides energy for growth, development, and sustaining life functions. Explanation: Nutrition is essential for metabolism, which enables energy production and other life processes. For more please visit here:
Food provides energy for growth, development, and sustaining life functions.
Explanation: Nutrition is essential for metabolism, which enables energy production and other life processes.
Growth involves increasing size or mass, a trait seen in all living organisms. Explanation: Growth distinguishes living beings from non-living objects that do not change size over time. For more please visit here:
Growth involves increasing size or mass, a trait seen in all living organisms.
Explanation: Growth distinguishes living beings from non-living objects that do not change size over time.
Drosera, an insectivorous plant, moves its leaves to trap insects. Explanation: This movement is a survival mechanism, as Drosera gains nutrients by trapping and digesting insects. For more please visit here:
Drosera, an insectivorous plant, moves its leaves to trap insects.
Explanation: This movement is a survival mechanism, as Drosera gains nutrients by trapping and digesting insects.
Plants show growth movement and responses like opening flowers or moving towards light. Explanation: Though plants don’t relocate, they exhibit growth-based movements, such as phototropism (growing toward light). For more please visit here: more
Plants show growth movement and responses like opening flowers or moving towards light.
Explanation: Though plants don’t relocate, they exhibit growth-based movements, such as phototropism (growing toward light).
Do non-living things reproduce?
No, reproduction is a characteristic exclusive to living beings. Explanation: Non-living objects like stones cannot create new stones through reproduction. For more please visit here:
No, reproduction is a characteristic exclusive to living beings.
Explanation: Non-living objects like stones cannot create new stones through reproduction.
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What is reproduction?
Reproduction is the biological process by which organisms produce offspring. Explanation: It ensures the survival of a species by creating new generations. For more please visit here:
Reproduction is the biological process by which organisms produce offspring.
Explanation: It ensures the survival of a species by creating new generations.
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Give an example of a plant responding to a stimulus.
The touch-me-not plant (Mimosa pudica) folds its leaves when touched. Explanation: This rapid response to touch protects the plant from potential harm. For more please visit here:
The touch-me-not plant (Mimosa pudica) folds its leaves when touched.
Explanation: This rapid response to touch protects the plant from potential harm.
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What is a stimulus?
A stimulus is any change in the environment that elicits a response from a living organism. Explanation: Examples include light, temperature, or touch, prompting a reaction in plants and animals. For more please visit here: more
A stimulus is any change in the environment that elicits a response from a living organism.
Explanation: Examples include light, temperature, or touch, prompting a reaction in plants and animals.
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Why is excretion important for living beings?
Excretion removes waste products that can be harmful if accumulated. Explanation: By eliminating waste, organisms maintain internal balance, essential for health and survival. For more please visit here:
Excretion removes waste products that can be harmful if accumulated.
Explanation: By eliminating waste, organisms maintain internal balance, essential for health and survival.
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What is respiration in living beings?
Respiration is the process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide to produce energy. Explanation: All living beings, including plants, perform respiration to convert food into usable energy. For more please visit here: more
Respiration is the process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide to produce energy.
Explanation: All living beings, including plants, perform respiration to convert food into usable energy.
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Why do living beings need food?
Food provides energy for growth, development, and sustaining life functions. Explanation: Nutrition is essential for metabolism, which enables energy production and other life processes. For more please visit here:
Food provides energy for growth, development, and sustaining life functions.
Explanation: Nutrition is essential for metabolism, which enables energy production and other life processes.
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Why is growth considered a characteristic of living beings?
Growth involves increasing size or mass, a trait seen in all living organisms. Explanation: Growth distinguishes living beings from non-living objects that do not change size over time. For more please visit here:
Growth involves increasing size or mass, a trait seen in all living organisms.
Explanation: Growth distinguishes living beings from non-living objects that do not change size over time.
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How does a plant like Drosera show movement?
Drosera, an insectivorous plant, moves its leaves to trap insects. Explanation: This movement is a survival mechanism, as Drosera gains nutrients by trapping and digesting insects. For more please visit here:
Drosera, an insectivorous plant, moves its leaves to trap insects.
Explanation: This movement is a survival mechanism, as Drosera gains nutrients by trapping and digesting insects.
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What type of movement do plants exhibit?
Plants show growth movement and responses like opening flowers or moving towards light. Explanation: Though plants don’t relocate, they exhibit growth-based movements, such as phototropism (growing toward light). For more please visit here: more
Plants show growth movement and responses like opening flowers or moving towards light.
Explanation: Though plants don’t relocate, they exhibit growth-based movements, such as phototropism (growing toward light).
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