Mukesh has decided to join a nearby garage to gain the necessary skills, showing his determination and ambition. Therefore option C is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh has decided to join a nearby garage to gain the necessary skills, showing his determination and ambition. Therefore option C is correct answer.
The author points out that many children like Mukesh work in violation of labor laws, largely due to ignorance and lack of enforcement. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author points out that many children like Mukesh work in violation of labor laws, largely due to ignorance and lack of enforcement. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The boys are exposed to high temperatures and harmful glass dust, which causes physical ailments, particularly affecting their eyesight. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The boys are exposed to high temperatures and harmful glass dust, which causes physical ailments, particularly affecting their eyesight. Therefore option B is correct answer.
Bangles, especially in India, are traditionally linked to marriage and auspiciousness for women, making them symbolic of cultural customs. Therefore option B is correct. For more please visit here:
Bangles, especially in India, are traditionally linked to marriage and auspiciousness for women, making them symbolic of cultural customs. Therefore option B is correct.
Mukesh’s dream symbolizes hope and resilience, representing the possibility of escaping poverty and a predetermined path. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh’s dream symbolizes hope and resilience, representing the possibility of escaping poverty and a predetermined path. Therefore option A is correct answer.
Mukesh’s grandmother sees their work as a “god-given lineage” that cannot be changed, accepting it as part of their fate. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh’s grandmother sees their work as a “god-given lineage” that cannot be changed, accepting it as part of their fate. Therefore option A is correct answer.
Mukesh’s family sees bangle-making as a restrictive cycle, dictated by tradition and caste, which they are unable to break free from. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh’s family sees bangle-making as a restrictive cycle, dictated by tradition and caste, which they are unable to break free from. Therefore option B is correct answer.
Being on the periphery of Delhi, Seemapuri contrasts sharply with the prosperity of the capital, highlighting the divide between poverty and wealth. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Being on the periphery of Delhi, Seemapuri contrasts sharply with the prosperity of the capital, highlighting the divide between poverty and wealth. Therefore option B is correct answer.
One explanation suggests that going barefoot has become a tradition among the poor, used to justify the lack of resources. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
One explanation suggests that going barefoot has become a tradition among the poor, used to justify the lack of resources. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The irony lies in Saheb’s name, which signifies power and control, contrasting sharply with his reality as a poverty-stricken child. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The irony lies in Saheb’s name, which signifies power and control, contrasting sharply with his reality as a poverty-stricken child. Therefore option B is correct answer.
How does Mukesh plan to achieve his dream of becoming a mechanic?
Mukesh has decided to join a nearby garage to gain the necessary skills, showing his determination and ambition. Therefore option C is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh has decided to join a nearby garage to gain the necessary skills, showing his determination and ambition. Therefore option C is correct answer.
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Why does the author mention child labor laws in the context of Mukesh’s story?
The author points out that many children like Mukesh work in violation of labor laws, largely due to ignorance and lack of enforcement. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author points out that many children like Mukesh work in violation of labor laws, largely due to ignorance and lack of enforcement. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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How do the young boys working in the glass furnaces often suffer physically?
The boys are exposed to high temperatures and harmful glass dust, which causes physical ailments, particularly affecting their eyesight. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The boys are exposed to high temperatures and harmful glass dust, which causes physical ailments, particularly affecting their eyesight. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What do the bangles symbolize in the story?
Bangles, especially in India, are traditionally linked to marriage and auspiciousness for women, making them symbolic of cultural customs. Therefore option B is correct. For more please visit here:
Bangles, especially in India, are traditionally linked to marriage and auspiciousness for women, making them symbolic of cultural customs. Therefore option B is correct.
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What hope does Mukesh’s dream of becoming a mechanic provide in the story?
Mukesh’s dream symbolizes hope and resilience, representing the possibility of escaping poverty and a predetermined path. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh’s dream symbolizes hope and resilience, representing the possibility of escaping poverty and a predetermined path. Therefore option A is correct answer.
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Why does Mukesh’s grandmother accept their fate in the bangle industry?
Mukesh’s grandmother sees their work as a “god-given lineage” that cannot be changed, accepting it as part of their fate. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh’s grandmother sees their work as a “god-given lineage” that cannot be changed, accepting it as part of their fate. Therefore option A is correct answer.
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What does Mukesh’s family believe about their occupation as bangle-makers?
Mukesh’s family sees bangle-making as a restrictive cycle, dictated by tradition and caste, which they are unable to break free from. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Mukesh’s family sees bangle-making as a restrictive cycle, dictated by tradition and caste, which they are unable to break free from. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What is the significance of Seemapuri’s location on the Periphery of Delhi?
Being on the periphery of Delhi, Seemapuri contrasts sharply with the prosperity of the capital, highlighting the divide between poverty and wealth. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Being on the periphery of Delhi, Seemapuri contrasts sharply with the prosperity of the capital, highlighting the divide between poverty and wealth. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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Why do children often go barefoot, according to one explanation in the story?
One explanation suggests that going barefoot has become a tradition among the poor, used to justify the lack of resources. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
One explanation suggests that going barefoot has become a tradition among the poor, used to justify the lack of resources. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What irony does the author highlight in Saheb’s life?
The irony lies in Saheb’s name, which signifies power and control, contrasting sharply with his reality as a poverty-stricken child. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The irony lies in Saheb’s name, which signifies power and control, contrasting sharply with his reality as a poverty-stricken child. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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