Yes, Earth can be considered a satellite of the Sun because it orbits around the Sun, which is a much larger object. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6 Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Beyond Earth
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Mars has two moons, while Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have a large number of moons. Chapter 12 Beyond Earth Class VI NCERT Book Curiosity Science
Earth has one Moon, which is about 384,000 km away from the Earth. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 12 Class 6 Curiosity Science Chapter 12 Beyond Earth Session 2024-2025.
Objects that move around planets are commonly called satellites. Moons are natural satellites of planets. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Beyond Earth
Look for events organized by Higher Education Institutions, Astronomy Clubs, museums or planetariums, which often hold night sky watching activities in your region. Chapter 12 Beyond Earth Class VI NCERT Book Curiosity Science