The damage was that the mechanical hand from the spacecraft stopped working. For more answers visit to website:
The damage was that the mechanical hand from the spacecraft stopped working.
The mechanical hand was trying to collect the samples of soil from the planet for the investigating them. For more answers visit to website:
The mechanical hand was trying to collect the samples of soil from the planet for the investigating them.
Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land and then leave it unproductive anytime it is required. But Number Two suggested that they should not intervene and observe quietly .It also said not to disclose their existence by rendering the spacecraft futile. For more answersRead more
Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land and then leave it unproductive anytime it is required. But Number Two suggested that they should not intervene and observe quietly .It also said not to disclose their existence by rendering the spacecraft futile.
The spacecraft was unmanned because number one reported to the President that it did not have any living beings and had only instruments. For more answers visit to website:
The spacecraft was unmanned because number one reported to the President that it did not have any living beings and had only instruments.
Where had the spacecraft come from?
The spacecraft had come from the Earth. For more answers visit to website:
The spacecraft had come from the Earth.
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Tilloo pressed the red button and “the damage was done”. What was the damage?
The damage was that the mechanical hand from the spacecraft stopped working. For more answers visit to website:
The damage was that the mechanical hand from the spacecraft stopped working.
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What do you think the mechanical hand was trying to do?
The mechanical hand was trying to collect the samples of soil from the planet for the investigating them. For more answers visit to website:
The mechanical hand was trying to collect the samples of soil from the planet for the investigating them.
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What did Number One and Number Two suggest should be done about the alien spacecraft?
Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land and then leave it unproductive anytime it is required. But Number Two suggested that they should not intervene and observe quietly .It also said not to disclose their existence by rendering the spacecraft futile. For more answersRead more
Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land and then leave it unproductive anytime it is required. But Number Two suggested that they should not intervene and observe quietly .It also said not to disclose their existence by rendering the spacecraft futile.
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Was the spacecraft manned or unmanned? How do you know it?
The spacecraft was unmanned because number one reported to the President that it did not have any living beings and had only instruments. For more answers visit to website:
The spacecraft was unmanned because number one reported to the President that it did not have any living beings and had only instruments.
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