Reciprocal refers to the inverse of a number or quantity. For a number x its reciprocal is 1/x. In mathematics the reciprocal of a fraction a/b is b/a. The concept is widely used in algebra calculus and various fields like ...
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Ionisation energy of an atom is defined as the energy required to remove an electron from ground state energy level to its free state. Ionisation energy of hydrogen is E = + me⁴/ 8€o²n²h² = + 13.6 eV . Class ...
Superficial expansion refers to the increase in the surface area of a solid when it is heated. It depends on the material’s nature and the temperature change. The coefficient of superficial expansion is used to quantify this increase and is ...
A coefficient is a numerical or constant factor that quantifies a specific property or relationship in equations or phenomena. It represents proportionality or variation in fields like physics and mathematics. Examples include the coefficient of friction coefficient of expansion and ...
Expansion is the increase in the size or volume of a substance due to heating. It occurs because particles move faster and spread apart when heated. Expansion can be linear areal or volumetric depending on the dimension considered and is ...
Chanting AUM generates vibrations throughout the body, aligning energies and enhancing awareness. The resonance calms the mind, sharpens focus, and promotes mindfulness, creating a deeper connection with the self and universal consciousness. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, ...
Thermoelectric refers to the direct conversion of temperature differences into electrical energy or vice versa using thermoelectric materials. It works based on the Seebeck effect where a temperature gradient across a conductor produces an electric voltage. Thermoelectric devices are used ...
Consistency in meditation strengthens focus, enhances mindfulness, and deepens the practice. Regular sessions help the mind adapt to stillness, overcoming distractions and developing a habit of inner calm and awareness. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, Dhyana and ...
Samādhi represents the highest consciousness by merging individual awareness with the divine. It transcends mental activity, bringing perfect stillness, oneness and peace, reflecting spiritual enlightenment and the culmination of meditative practice. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, Dhyana ...
Chanting Akāra, Ukāra, Mkāra, and Omkāra resonates with different body regions: abdomen, chest, head and the whole body. This enhances mindfulness, focus and energy alignment, deepening meditation and expanding awareness. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 4 Pranayam question ...