Thermoelectric refers to the direct conversion of temperature differences into electrical energy or vice versa using thermoelectric materials. It works based on the Seebeck effect where a temperature gradient across a conductor produces an electric voltage. Thermoelectric devices are used for power generation and refrigeration due to their efficiency and reliability.
Class 11 Physics Chapter 10 Thermal Properties of Matter covers concepts like heat transfer methods specific heat thermal expansion and temperature scales. It explains conduction convection and radiation with real-life examples. The chapter also discusses thermal conductivity calorimetry and the behavior of substances under temperature changes which are crucial for CBSE Exam 2024-25.
A thermoelectric thermometer works on the principle of the thermoelectric effect, also known as the Seebeck effect. This effect occurs when two different metals are joined at two points and there is a temperature difference between them. The junctions of these metals generate a voltage that is proportional to the temperature difference.
In a thermoelectric thermometer, two dissimilar conductors (such as copper and iron) form a closed loop, and one of the junctions is exposed to the temperature to be measured while the other is kept at a reference temperature, usually at ice point. The difference in temperature between the junctions results in a thermoelectric potential difference (voltage) developing across the loop. The voltage is then measured and converted to temperature using a calibration curve.
The main advantage of thermoelectric thermometers is that they provide accurate temperature measurements over a wide range without moving parts, hence reliable and precise readings in applications.
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