In the tadpole stage, the tail aids in swimming and navigation in water. It provides propulsion and stability, essential for moving efficiently through aquatic environments while the tadpole develops into a frog.
You have learnt that a tail is present in a tadpole but it disappears as it grows into a frog. What is the advantage of having a tail in the tadpole stage?
The tail in the tadpole stage is crucial for swimming and maneuvering in water. It provides propulsion and stability, allowing the tadpole to move efficiently and escape predators. As the tadpole grows into a frog, the tail is absorbed, as it becomes less necessary for locomotion in a terrestrial environment. This transition supports the frog’s adaptation from an aquatic lifestyle to a more land-based one, where the tail is no longer needed for movement.
For more CBSE Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Extra Questions & Answer:
A tadpole’s tail is crucial for swimming and maneuvering in water during its early life stage, allowing it to easily navigate its aquatic environment and escape predators, making it a key advantage in the tadpole stage before it develops legs and becomes more adapted to life on land as a frog; once the legs develop, the tail is no longer needed and is absorbed by the body through a process called metamorphosis.
Key points about the tadpole tail’s advantages:
Locomotion: The primary function of the tail is to propel the tadpole through the water, enabling efficient swimming and quick movement.
Predator evasion: A tail allows tadpoles to rapidly change direction and maneuver to avoid predators in the water.
Stability: It helps maintain balance and stability while swimming.
Why the tail disappears during metamorphosis:
No longer needed:
Once the frog develops legs, it can jump and hop on land, making the tail unnecessary for movement.
Nutrient recycling:
The body reabsorbs the tail tissue to provide nutrients needed for further development and growth into a frog.