According to Ashtāṅga Yoga, living happily with others involves practicing non-violence, truthfulness, and respect for others’ belongings. It also emphasizes moderation in relationships and avoiding greed or attachment to material possessions, fostering harmony and trust.
Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V Chapter 3 Āsanas, Khel Yatra
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 4 Pranayam question answer
1. Ahimsa (Non-violence): Treat others with kindness and avoid causing harm through actions, words, or thoughts.
2. Satya (Truthfulness): Be honest and transparent in all interactions, fostering trust and harmony.
3. Asteya (Non-stealing): Respect others’ possessions and avoid taking anything that does not belong to you.
4. Brahmacharya (Moderation): Practice self-restraint and maintain balanced relationships.
5. Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness): Avoid greed and material attachment to promote generosity and peaceful coexistence.