NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science
History Chapter 6 Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
Question 6 Page No. 76
NCERT Academic Session 2023-2024
Why did Mahatma Gandhi think that English education had enslaved Indians?
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Why Gandhi Criticized English Education:
1. Cultural Domination: Gandhi believed English education imposed Western culture, eroding Indian traditions and heritage.
2. Disconnect from Roots: English education led to a detachment from Indian languages and customs, causing a rift from indigenous culture.
3. Colonial Dependency: Gandhi feared it perpetuated colonial control by creating an anglicized class serving British interests.
4. Economic Dependence: English education produced a workforce more beneficial to the British, fostering economic reliance.
5. Neglect of Moral Values: Gandhi felt it prioritized materialism, neglecting spiritual and moral development.
Gandhi advocated for an education system promoting indigenous languages, vocational training, and moral growth to foster self-reliance, preserve cultural pride, and nurture spiritual values among Indians.