The crops harvested were brinjal, cucumber, and coriander. These crops were grown in the school kitchen garden, reflecting the variety and health benefits of vegetables and herbs cultivated as per the project guidelines.
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 1 School Kitchen Garden question answer
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Chapter 1 School Kitchen Garden solutions
In the school kitchen garden project, the harvested crops included brinjal, cucumber, and coriander. Brinjal was grown for its culinary versatility, cucumber for its refreshing nature, and coriander for its aromatic leaves used in cooking. These crops were selected based on their suitability to the soil and climate, and their growth was nurtured through proper watering, manure application, and care. The harvest reflects the successful implementation of the gardening techniques taught during the project.