Taal (rhythm cycle) and laya (tempo) provide a rhythmic framework in Indian classical music. Taal maintains structured beats, while laya controls speed variations, ensuring harmony between the melody and rhythm.
Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music solutions
Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music question answer
In Indian classical music, taal refers to the rhythmic cycle, while laya is the tempo or speed of the composition. Taal consists of a fixed number of beats (matras), such as Teentaal (16 beats) or Jhaptal (10 beats). Laya determines how fast or slow a raga is performed—Vilambit (slow), Madhya (medium) or Drut (fast). Together, taal and laya ensure melodic and rhythmic synchronization, guiding musicians during performance and improvisation.