Elements or compounds occurring naturally in the earth’s crust are called minerals, and those with high metal content suitable for profitable extraction are referred to as ores.
What is the term for elements or compounds occurring naturally in the earth’s crust, and what are minerals that contain high percentages of a specific metal, suitable for profitable extraction?
Elements or compounds occurring naturally in the Earth’s crust are termed “minerals.” Minerals that contain high percentages of a specific metal, making them economically viable for extraction, are called “ores.” Ores are rocks or minerals from which metals can be profitably extracted through processes like mining, smelting, and refining. For example, bauxite is an ore of aluminum, hematite is an ore of iron, and chalcopyrite is an ore of copper. The extraction of metals from ores is a crucial step in various industries, providing the raw materials for the production of metals and alloys.