Temperatures at Leh in November:
- 11:00 am: –4°C.
- 2:00 pm: –2°C.
- 11:00 pm: 8°C.
- 2:00 am: 14°C. These readings depict Leh’s extreme weather patterns.
Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 10 The Other Side of Zero question answer
Class 6 NCERT Ganita Prakash Chapter 10 The Other Side of Zero
In Leh, Ladakh, November temperatures exhibit extreme variations:
• At 11:00 am: –4°C.
• At 2:00 pm: –2°C.
• At 11:00 pm: 8°C.
• At 2:00 am: 14°C.
These readings highlight the region’s harsh winters, where temperatures remain below freezing during the day and plunge further at night. Such conditions make Leh a unique example of high-altitude climates, with significant implications for local life, tourism, and environmental studies.
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