A right angle measures exactly 90° and forms an “L” shape. It is unique as it represents perpendicularity, unlike acute (<90°), obtuse (90°–180°), or reflex (>180°) angles, which indicate different rotational measures.
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 2 question answer
class 6 Mathematics Chapter 2 Lines and Angles solutions
A right angle, measuring 90°, forms when two rays meet perpendicularly at a vertex, creating an “L” shape. It is distinct because it signifies perfect perpendicularity, used in constructing rectangles, squares, and perpendicular lines. In contrast, acute angles are less than 90°, obtuse angles range between 90° and 180°, and reflex angles exceed 180°. Examples of right angles include the corners of a square, book edges, or a properly folded hinge.
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