The pearls symbolize valuable experiences, wisdom and cherished moments in life. They represent the lessons learned and the treasures gained through hardships and achievements. Each pearl reflects an important phase in life, making the journey meaningful.
Class 6 Arts Kriti-I Chapter 9 Melodies of Diversity NCERT solutions
Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I Melodies of Diversity question answer
In the song, pearls symbolize the precious experiences and wisdom gathered throughout life’s journey. Just as pearls take time to form, life’s valuable lessons come through patience, hardships and learning. Each pearl represents a cherished moment, a meaningful relationship or a lesson gained. The song conveys that life’s journey is not just about reaching a destination but about collecting these treasures along the way. Appreciating these experiences makes life richer and more fulfilling, just as pearls enhance the beauty of a necklace.