The unit explores the history, philosophy and practices of Yoga, including Yama, Niyama, Sūkshma Vyāyāma, Śithalīkaraṇa Vyāyāma, Prānāyāma, Āsanas, Pratyāhāra, Dhārana, Dhyāna, relaxation and Krīḍā Yoga for holistic well-being.
Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter 2 Yoga Preparing For Yogic Practices question answer
Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V Chapter 3 Āsanas, Khel Yatra
This unit covers a comprehensive range of topics to enhance understanding and practice of Yoga. It begins with the history and philosophy of Yoga, followed by practical disciplines such as Yama and Niyama for ethical living. The unit also includes physical practices like Sūkshma Vyāyāma, Prānāyāma, Āsanas, and Śithalīkaraṇa Vyāyāma. Advanced techniques like Pratyāhāra, Dhārana, Dhyāna, and relaxation are introduced, along with Krīḍā Yoga, offering a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.