Sectional breathing involves abdominal (Adhama Śvāsa), thoracic (Madhyama Śvāsa), and clavicular (Ādhya Śvāsa) techniques. These steps improve lung efficiency, oxygenation, and respiratory awareness by directing breath to different lung regions.
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Sectional breathing consists of three techniques:
Abdominal breathing (Adhama Śvāsa): Focus on expanding the abdomen during inhalation.
Thoracic breathing (Madhyama Śvāsa): Expand the chest while breathing.
Clavicular breathing (Ādhya Śvāsa): Lift collar bones during inhalation.
Each step enhances lung efficiency and respiratory awareness, ensuring better oxygenation. These practices improve focus, reduce stress, and support holistic lung health, forming a foundation for advanced Prānāyāma techniques.