Pavanamuktāsana improves digestion, reduces abdominal fat, and alleviates gas. Performed by raising legs, bending knees, and pulling them toward the chest while exhaling, it strengthens abdominal muscles and promotes spinal flexibility.
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi solutions
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 6 Unit 5 Krida Yoga Question Answer
Pavanamuktāsana offers numerous benefits, including improved digestion, reduced abdominal fat, and relief from trapped gas. To perform, lie in supine posture, raise one or both legs, bend knees, and pull them toward the chest while exhaling. This posture enhances spinal flexibility and tones abdominal muscles. Regular practice prevents constipation and stimulates the digestive system. Pavanamuktāsana is a simple yet effective Āsana for improving gastrointestinal health and maintaining physical well-being.