Blowing air over a wet hand cools it more because evaporation of water absorbs heat, while the dry hand doesn’t benefit from this process. Evaporation requires heat, which cools the wet surface.
Wet one hand with water and leave the other dry. Blow air across both hands and feel the cooling effect. Find out the reasons for it.
Blowing air across a wet hand feels cooler because the process of evaporation absorbs heat from the skin. As water evaporates, it takes heat away from the hand, resulting in a cooling effect. In contrast, the dry hand doesn’t experience this cooling effect since there’s no evaporation occurring. The difference in temperature felt between the wet and dry hand demonstrates how evaporation is an effective means of cooling surfaces by using the heat energy required for the phase change.
For more CBSE Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 8 A Journey through States of Water Extra Questions & Answer: