Here are the planets’ distances from the Sun (in AU) and average temperatures: Mercury (0.39 AU, 167°C), Venus (0.72 AU, 464°C), Earth (1.00 AU, 15°C), Mars (1.52 AU, -65°C), Jupiter (5.20 AU, -110°C), Saturn (9.58 AU, -140°C), Uranus (19.22 AU, -195°C), Neptune (30.05 AU, -200°C). Venus is hotter than Earth despite being closer to the Sun because of its thick atmosphere, which causes a strong greenhouse effect.
Various planets in our Solar System are at different distances from the Sun. Search the Internet and make a table with the planets, their distances from the Sun (in increasing order) and their temperatures written. Does the average temperature of planets decrease as their distance from the Sun increases? If it is not true for any planet, find out for which planet and why.
Planets ordered by distance from the Sun with average temperatures are: Mercury (0.39 AU, 167°C), Venus (0.72 AU, 464°C), Earth (1.00 AU, 15°C), Mars (1.52 AU, -65°C), Jupiter (5.20 AU, -110°C), Saturn (9.58 AU, -140°C), Uranus (19.22 AU, -195°C), and Neptune (30.05 AU, -200°C). While temperatures generally decrease with distance from the Sun, Venus is notably hotter than Earth. This is due to Venus’s thick atmosphere causing a strong greenhouse effect, trapping heat.
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