NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 9
Class 10 English5
Madam Rides the Bus
Important NCERT Questions Based on new NCERT Books for Session 2022-2023
Long Questions
The people and surroundings are a great book to learn. Valli in the lesson “Madam Rides the Bus” learns a lot from others. Mention the traits of her character which help her to learn from her surroundings
Valli dreamt of riding on the bus. Her eagerness to fulfill her dream fired her curiosity. This curiousness led her to listen to the conversations of the people going on the bus ride and asking discreet questions so that she could gather as much information as she can regarding the bus journey. On the bus journey, Valli acted confidently and behaved maturedly. She did not consider herself to be any less than an adult. She was focused on fulfilling her dream and did not get tempted to go outside the bus and explore the town when the bus reached the town. On the return journey, she learnt about death when she came to terms with the dead cow. This made her aware of the fact that death is a part of life and should be accepted as it is a natural phenomenon. Thus, the bus journey made her learn a lot of things.
Valli was 8 years old young girl who is fascinated by the bus that comes to her village every hour. She develops desire then into longing and finally turning into strong determination. In course of her bus ride she learnt many things. She realised that people around us are concerned about us. This is evident when she stood upon seat to look over the canvas that cover the lower part of window. She also learnt that sense of humour and wit makes one person as lovable character from conductor. On her return journey she saw a dead cow lying in the sparwl of pool of blood, legs spread out thereby realising the mystery of life and death. She realised that death is a part of life and should be accepted as natural phenomena. Thus bus journey made her learn lot of things. Her curiosity, self respecting nature, ability to face different kinds of people(or courage) are the triats of her character which help her to learn from surroundings
Valli was curious and mannered girl , she wanted to know that how it feels when we travel to the bus . For riding the bus she need to know about information.she gets the information from the people talking about their experiences and the neighbour who travelled through the buses and she collected the information from her surroundings and people who were talking about their mutual experiences and the information was , she needed 30 rupees to go two way each and this shows that how Valli collected the information from her surroundings and people just like reading a book .
Valli was young child who daily watches a bus arrived every day in her village from town.
She got a great desire to ride a bus. Her desire leads to a curiosity of collecting information about bus from those who often travel through it.
She ask questions about bus to her neighbour and her mother. Her determination towards achieving her goal to ride a bus was really an big achievement for a 8 years girl. While riding bus she claimed herself a matured and independent girl. Even when she reached the town she didn’t even try to explore town. She decided to directly return to home without any time wasting.
valli was a young girl who was very clever, self-dependent and well mannered. valli was having a strong desire to ride the bus. her curiosity compelled him to finally ride the bus. But however she has to face many difficulty for whole bus ride journey she listen to her neighbour conservation for the bus ride she got to know that the town was 22 miles from her village it took 45 min to reach the town and also it was 30 paise one way. After calculating these all she get to know that if she would pick the bus at 1:00 she would be return back by 2:45 . This tell us she was very intelligent after the details she started collecting money in which she finded the main difficulty because she has to stop herself from buying choclates and tofee balloons ..etc and finnaly he collected 60 paise, this tells us she was self-dependent. And after thebus reached the town she does not want to go outside and enjoy bcz she was not having much money however the conducter also offered her for a juice but he said no for it this tells us she was well mannered girl . SO THESE ARE SOME OF TRAITS OF VALLI THAT HELP HER TO LEARN FROM PEOPLE AND SURROUNDINGS .