HCF stands for Highest Common Factor and it is the largest number that divides two or more numbers completely without leaving any remainder. To find HCF we use methods like prime factorization or division method. It is useful in simplifying fractions solving problems related to ratios and distributing items evenly among groups. Understanding HCF helps in various mathematical operations and real-life situations where common factors are involved.
Class 10 Maths Chapter 1 focuses on Real Numbers and covers key concepts like Euclid’s Division Lemma Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic rational and irrational numbers and decimal expansions. This chapter strengthens understanding of number systems and their properties. Students will solve problems related to HCF and LCM using prime factorization or division methods. Clear knowledge of these topics is essential for CBSE Exam 2024-25 and helps in higher-level mathematics and real-life applications.