To express the distance between your school and home in meters, convert the distance from kilometers to meters, multiply by 1000. The distance between your school and home is 1.5 kilometers, which equals 1500 meters (1.5 km × 1000 = 1500 meters).
Suppose the distance between your school and home is 1.5 km. Express it in metres.
To express the distance between your school and home in meters, multiply the distance in kilometers by 1000. Since 1 kilometer equals 1000 meters, the 1.5 kilometers between your school and home is equivalent to 1500 meters. This conversion is simple: just multiply the kilometer value (1.5) by 1000, resulting in 1500 meters. Understanding such conversions helps in expressing distances in different units, making it easier to compare and calculate lengths in everyday situations.
For more CBSE Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 5 Measurement of Length and Motion Extra Questions & Answer: