Asked: 2025-02-01T10:31:54+00:002025-02-01T10:31:54+00:00In: Class 9 Science
Rutherford’s a-particle scattering experiment showed that (i) electrons have negative charge. (ii) the mass and positive charge of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus. (iii) neutron exists in the nucleus. (iv) most of the space in an atom is empty. Which of the above statements are correct?
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The correct answer is: (b) (ii) and (iv)
Rutherford’s α-particle scattering experiment led to the following conclusions:
(ii) The mass and positive charge of the atom are concentrated in a small central nucleus.
(iv) Most of the space in an atom is empty, as most α-particles passed through the gold foil without deflection.
Class 9th Science NCERT MCQ Questions
NCERT Books MCQ Questions Session 2024-2025.