Connecting an electric bulb and an electric heater in a series circuit is impractical because these devices need currents of widely different values to operate properly. Series circuits maintain a constant current, making it unsuitable for devices with diverse current requirements.
Provide an example of a situation where a series circuit might be impractical due to the specific requirements of connected devices.
A Christmas light display can be an example where a series circuit might be impractical. In a series circuit, if one bulb fails, the entire circuit is disrupted, causing all lights to go out. In a festive light setup, individual bulbs are often connected in series. If one bulb malfunctions, the entire string is affected. Contrastingly, using a parallel circuit for the lights allows each bulb to operate independently. This way, if one bulb fails, the others remain lit. Parallel circuits are more practical in scenarios where the failure of one element should not affect the operation of the entire system.