Aldehydes play an important role in biochemical processes of life. They add fragrance and flavour to nature, for example, vanillin (from vanilla beans), salicylaldehyde (from meadow sweet) and cinnamaldehyde (from cinnamon) have very pleasant fragrances.
One example of a compound used to add fragrance and flavor is vanillin. Vanillin is a phenolic aldehyde that imparts the characteristic aroma and taste of vanilla. It is commonly derived from vanilla beans or synthesized for use in the food and fragrance industries. The aldehyde functional group in vanillin contributes to its aromatic and flavor properties, making it a widely utilized compound in the production of vanilla-flavored foods, perfumes, and other scented products. The pleasant and recognizable scent of vanillin enhances various products, making it a key component in the fragrance and flavor industries.