During the COVID-19 lockdown, actions included travel restrictions, health guidelines, and aid distribution. Local governments enforced rules, state governments managed healthcare, and the central government coordinated nationwide policies, each organ playing essential roles.
Class 6 Social Science Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy – Part 1 Governance question answer
Class 6 NCERT Social Science Governance and Democracy Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy – Part 1 Governance
During the COVID-19 lockdown, various actions were taken: movement restrictions, public health guidelines, vaccination campaigns, and economic aid. Local governments enforced lockdown rules and managed public compliance. State governments directed healthcare responses, providing hospitals and testing centers. The central government formulated policies and provided nationwide coordination. The legislative created necessary laws, the executive implemented lockdown measures, and the judiciary resolved cases regarding rights and policies. Together, these tiers and organs ensured public safety, healthcare, and order.
For more NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy – Part 1 Governance Extra Questions and Answer:
During the covid-19 of the actions included:
•imposing travel restriction, lock down and curfews.
•establishing current time centres and healthcare facilities.
•providing emergency supplies and relief funds.
Tires of government involved:
•national government –
√ National policies, health advisors and guidelines.
•state government –
√enforced block down major within state and provided healthcare facilities.
•local government –
√ managed local distribution of essential supplies, monitoring public spaces and organising community support.
Rules of government organs:
•Legislature –
√passed emergency health laws and policies.
• executive-
√implemented lockdown, ensured healthcare services, and coordinated with local agencies.
√ address legal concerns related to write and safety during pandemic.