Using colorful ingredients, garnishing with herbs, and arranging food neatly on plates enhance presentation. Aesthetic appeal makes dishes more appetizing, encouraging healthy eating. Beautifully presented food adds to the dining experience and enjoyment.
Class 6 NCERT Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Project 6 Cooking without Fire solutions
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 6 Project 6 Cooking without Fire question answer
Presenting food attractively enhances its appeal and makes it more enjoyable. Using colorful ingredients like red tomatoes, green mint leaves, and bright yellow lemons adds vibrancy. Arranging food neatly, using decorative garnishes like coriander or nuts, and placing dishes on clean, well-set plates create an inviting look. Presentation matters because people first eat with their eyes. A well-decorated dish encourages appreciation of food, making mealtimes more delightful and engaging.