Three positive numbers: +2, +5, +8 (right of 0).
Three negative numbers: –1, –4, –7 (left of 0).
On a number line, positive numbers increase to the right, while negative numbers decrease to the left.
Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 10 The Other Side of Zero question answer
Class 6 NCERT Ganita Prakash Chapter 10 The Other Side of Zero
On the number line, positive numbers appear to the right of 0, while negative numbers are to the left. Examples of positive numbers include +2, +5, and +8. Examples of negative numbers are –1, –4, and –7. As you move rightward from 0, values increase, while moving leftward decreases values. Marking points helps visualize distances and numerical comparisons, making the number line a useful mathematical tool for understanding integers.
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