Adi Talam is represented as “|4 O O”. The “|4” represents one Laghu (4 beats), while the two “O” symbols indicate two Dhrutams (2 beats each), forming an 8-beat cycle.
Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music question answer
Class 6 Arts Grade 6 chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music solutions
In Carnatic music notation, Adi Talam is written as “|4 O O”. The “|4” denotes one Laghu (clap followed by three finger counts, 4 beats) and the two “O” symbols indicate Dhrutams (clap followed by wave, 2 beats each). This 8-beat rhythmic cycle makes Adi Talam one of the most widely used talams, supporting various kritis, varnams and compositions across different tempos in Carnatic music performances.