A chain reaction machine works by triggering sequential events, like dominoes falling. Materials include levers, pulleys, ramps, marbles and recycled items like cardboard, bottles and sticks to build interactive, energy-driven sequences.
Class 6 NCERT Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Project 3 Maker Skills solutions
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 3 Project 3 Maker Skills question answer
A chain reaction machine operates by transferring energy from one event to another, creating a continuous sequence. For example, a marble rolling down a ramp can knock over dominoes, activating a lever to launch an object. Materials like ramps, levers, pulleys, cardboard, bottle caps, and marbles are commonly used. These machines combine creativity and physics, showcasing the interconnectedness of simple machines in performing complex tasks through sequential energy transfer.