To make a windmill, assemble cardboard into a box frame, attach a straw as an axle, and add paper blades. Rotate the blades to harness wind energy and simulate a functional windmill.
Class 6 NCERT Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Project 3 Maker Skills solutions
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 3 Project 3 Maker Skills question answer
To create a windmill, first, build a cardboard box as the base frame. Pierce holes in the sides to insert a straw as the axle. Attach circular cardboard pieces and paper blades to the axle for rotation. Assemble the parts and ensure free movement of the blades. When exposed to wind, the blades rotate, demonstrating how wind energy can be converted into mechanical energy, simulating a real windmill.