Levers simplify lifting and movement in toys. Examples include catapults for launching objects, robotic arms for gripping and seesaws for balance. These toys use first, second or third-class levers for functionality.
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 3 Project 3 Maker Skills question answer
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Grade 6 Project 3 Maker Skills solutions
Levers are crucial in toy-making as they amplify force and movement. Examples include catapults, which use first-class levers to launch small objects; robotic arms, employing multiple levers for gripping; and seesaws, demonstrating balanced force. Toys like lazy tongs, made with second-class levers, showcase their ability to multiply force. Creating such toys helps learners understand the mechanics of levers and their applications in practical tasks.