Companion planting involves growing pest-repellent plants like marigolds near vegetables. Marigolds deter nematodes, while basil repels mosquitoes. This natural technique reduces chemical pesticide use, supporting sustainable and healthy gardening.
Class 6 NCERT Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work with Life Forms Project 1 School Kitchen Garden
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 1 School Kitchen Garden question answer
Companion planting is an eco-friendly method of pest control. For instance, marigolds release chemicals that repel nematodes and whiteflies, protecting nearby plants like tomatoes. Similarly, basil planted near vegetables deters mosquitoes and harmful insects. This technique reduces the need for chemical pesticides, preserving soil health and encouraging beneficial insects like bees. Companion planting also promotes biodiversity, supporting sustainable gardening while ensuring plants grow in a pest-free, healthy environment.