The smallest 4-digit palindrome divisible by 4 is 2002, and the largest is 9999. Both numbers meet the conditions for divisibility and being palindromes when checked through divisibility tests.
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 5 question answer
class 6 Mathematics Chapter 5 Prime Time solutions
The smallest 4-digit palindrome divisible by 4 is 2002, found after testing smaller palindromes for divisibility. Similarly, the largest 4-digit palindrome divisible by 4 is 9999, meeting the symmetry and divisibility conditions. Verifying divisors ensures no false inclusions or exclusions occur, particularly as the symmetry constraints require careful handling of the specific numeric properties concerning modularity and arithmetic parity.
For more NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Math Chapter 5 Prime Time Extra Questions and Answer:
Largest 4 digit number that is divisible by 4 and palindrome is 8888 and smallest 4004