leaf flew branch climbed fell stream hunter
A dove was resting on a ___________ of a tree near a ___________. An ant ______________ into the stream and cried for help. The dove dropped a ___________ into the stream. The ant ___________ on the leaf and landed safely. Another day the ant saw a ___________ aiming at the dove. She quickly climbed up and bit the hunter’s hand. The dove ______________ away unhurt.
NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor)
Badal and Moti Page no. 22 Question B
NEP 2020
A dove was resting on a branch of a tree near a stream. An ant fell into the stream and cried for help. The dove dropped a leaf into the stream. The ant climbed on the leaf and landed safely. Another day the ant saw a hunter aiming at the dove. She quickly climbed up and bit the hunter’s hand. The dove flew away unhurt.
A heavy shower ________ birds comfor table in nests _______ monkey getting wet at the branches of the trees_______ birds sympathize with them _____ monkeys with head and feet can’t build shelters _______ raining ceases ________ monkey destroys nests.