Buddhism’s core ideas include the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which guide ethical and mindful living. Non-attachment and compassion are emphasized, aiming to free individuals from suffering and ignorance.
class 6 Social Science Textbook Chapter 7 question answer
class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots solutions
Central to Buddhism are the Four Noble Truths, which address suffering and its cessation, and the Eightfold Path, a practical guide to living mindfully and ethically. Buddha emphasized non-attachment and the impermanence of all things, teaching that desires lead to suffering. Compassion and respect for all life are key Buddhist values, promoting harmony and inner peace. Together, these teachings offer a path toward liberation, encouraging followers to seek enlightenment by cultivating awareness, self-discipline, and empathy for others.
For more NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots Extra Questions and Answer:
★Buddhism was started by Siddharth Goutham (buddha).It evolved during 500 BCE & did not accept the concepts & principles of Vedas.
Buddhism believed that ignorance & attachment are the source of human sufferings. Their teaching were based to remove these two causes of sufferings ignorance & attachment.
Buddhism preached non-violence sincere inner discipline to reduce human sufferings.