At Gemini Studios, the people did not display strong political affiliations, as the environment was more focused on creativity and filmmaking than on political ideologies. Asokamitran notes that the staff members had diverse backgrounds and beliefs, yet they managed to work together harmoniously without letting politics interfere with their professional relationships. The studio’s culture emphasized collaboration and artistic expression, allowing individuals from various political viewpoints to unite in their common goal of producing films, showcasing the spirit of unity amid diversity.
This question related to Chapter: 6 English Class 12th NCERT.
From the chapter Poets and Pancakes.
Give answer according to your understanding.
In the Gemini studio, awesome coffee was available day and night, which was enjoyed by all in the mess. This used to be the time where everyone used to discuss political issues or current affairs. Although all were Devotees of Gandhiji and used to wear khadi clothes but they had no inclination towards Congress or any other party. Nor they had any political affiliations.
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