Rabbit Breathing mimics rhythmic breaths in Vajrāsana, focusing on quick inhalations and exhalations. It strengthens respiratory muscles, increases lung capacity, and promotes relaxation, making it an effective warm-up for deeper Yoga practices.
Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V Chapter 3 Āsanas, Khel Yatra
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 4 Pranayam question answer
Rabbit Breathing involves rhythmic, rapid inhalations and exhalations in Vajrāsana, with the abdomen resting on thighs. This breathing technique strengthens the diaphragm and respiratory muscles while enhancing lung capacity. Its fast-paced breathing pattern energizes the body and prepares the lungs for advanced Prānāyāma practices. Additionally, Rabbit Breathing fosters mental relaxation, making it ideal for stress relief and improving overall respiratory health, especially as part of a comprehensive Yoga routine.