A bandish is a fixed melodic composition in Hindustani music, while a kriti is a structured song in Carnatic music. Both provide a framework for improvisation and serve as the central piece of a performance.
Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music question answer
Class 6 Arts Grade 6 chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music solutions
A bandish in Hindustani music is a melodic composition set to a specific raga and tala. It provides the foundation for improvisation. Similarly, in Carnatic music, a kriti is a fixed composition with three sections: Pallavi, Anupallavi and Charanam. Kriti compositions, created by composers like Tyagaraja, express devotional themes. Both forms serve as the core framework around which classical performances develop.