Dalton’s atomic theory successfully explained. (i) Law of conservation of mass. (ii) Law of constant composition. (iii) Law of radioactivity. (iv) Law of multiple proportion.
The correct answer is (d)(i), (ii) and (iv).
Dalton’s atomic theory successfully explained:
Law of Conservation of Mass(i) – Atoms are neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.
Law of Constant Composition(ii) – A compound always contains the same elements in fixed proportions.
Law of Multiple Proportions(iv) – When two elements form multiple compounds, their masses combine in simple whole-number ratios.
However, Law of Radioactivity(iii) was discovered later and is not explained by Dalton’s theory.
Class 9th Science NCERT MCQ Questions
NCERT Books MCQ Questions Session 2024-2025.
(d) Law of radioactivity has nothing to do with Dalton’s atomic theory.