With the opening of that sack began a phase of my life that has not yet ended, and may, for all I know, not end before I do. It is, in effect, a thraldom to others, an otter fixation, that I have since found to be shared my most other people, who have ever owned one. The creature that emerged from this sack on to the spacious tiled floor of the Consulate bedroom resembled most of all a very small, medievally conceived, dragon. From the head to the tip of the tail he was coated with symmetrical pointed scales of mud armour, between whose tips were visible a soft velvet fur like that of a chocolate brown mole.
(a) The creature emerged from the sack was resembled with ….
(b) The otter was coated with …………..
(c) The new phase of the author’s life was ……………
(d) The synonym of “thralldom” is
(1) slavery
(2) freedom
(3) hectic
(4) excitement
Class 10 English chepter 8 RTC 2
(a) most of all a very small, medievally-conceived, dragon.
(b) Symmetrical pointed scales of mud armour.
(c) It was a thralldom to otters. It was a strong attachment and feelings
for the other.
(d) (1) slavery.