Yes, a mixed number can be converted into a regular fraction by multiplying the whole number with the denominator, adding the numerator, and keeping the denominator unchanged. For example, 2 1/3 becomes 7/3.
Class 6 NCERT Ganita Prakash Chapter 7 Fractions
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 7 question answer
To convert a mixed number into a regular fraction, multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction. Add this product to the numerator and place the sum over the original denominator. For instance, in 2 1/3, multiply 2 by 3 (the denominator) to get 6, then add 1 (the numerator) to get 7. The result is 7/3. This process turns the mixed number into an improper fraction, which is useful for operations like addition or subtraction of fractions.
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