Yes, numbers less than 0 are called negative numbers. They indicate values below zero, like debts or temperatures below freezing. For example, if you owe 5 rupees, your balance is –5, meaning 5 less than zero.
Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash The Other Side of Zero
Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 10 The Other Side of Zero question answer
Yes, numbers less than 0 exist and are called negative numbers. They represent amounts below zero, such as debts, temperatures, or altitudes below sea level. For instance, if you have no money but owe someone 5 rupees, your balance is –5, indicating a debt of 5 rupees. Similarly, temperatures can drop below 0°C in cold regions, showing negative temperatures. In mathematics, negative numbers play a crucial role in expressing situations involving loss, reduction, or downward movement.
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