Yes, every fraction greater than 1 can be expressed as a mixed number. By dividing the numerator by the denominator, the quotient gives whole units, and the remainder forms the fractional part of the mixed number.
Class 6 NCERT Ganita Prakash Chapter 7 Fractions
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 7 question answer
All fractions greater than 1 can be written as mixed numbers. To convert, divide the numerator by the denominator. The quotient represents the whole units, while the remainder is written as the numerator of the fractional part, keeping the original denominator. For example, 11/4 becomes 2 3/4, where 2 is the whole part, and 3/4 is the fraction. This conversion helps represent improper fractions in an intuitive form, making their values easier to understand and work with.
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