The sport is kabaddi. The “Hu-tu-tu” refers to holding breath while tagging opponents, and players must touch and return to their side without being caught by the opposing team. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 4 Chapter 2 The Winner class 6 ...
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Mayur Arya
Asked: In: Class 6 English
Night wins because the time for play has ended. Night wins because darkness falls, forcing the children to stop playing. As the evening turns into night, they can no longer see clearly, and it signals the end of their outdoor ...
The broken pattern of the lines mimics the speaker’s breathlessness. The short, fragmented phrases emphasize the difficulty of catching her breath, reflecting the exhaustion from running. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 4 Chapter 2 The Winner Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit ...
Mayur Arya
Asked: In: Class 6 English
The children play together in the field next to the creek. They run so fast that they lose their breath. As the sky darkens, they stop playing and head home for the night. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 4 Chapter 2 ...