Compensation for economic activities includes wages, salaries, fees, or payments in kind. For instance, workers earn wages, professionals charge fees, and farmers may receive goods in return for their labor. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 13 The Value of Work question ...
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Economic activities like jobs and businesses often shape personal identity and self-esteem. Contributing to society, earning an income, and achieving goals in one’s profession foster self-respect, confidence, and a sense of purpose. Class 6 NCERT Social Science Governance and Democracy Chapter ...
Volunteering and seva promote compassion, social responsibility, and collective well-being. Activities like community cleaning or teaching for free enhance societal harmony and personal fulfillment, emphasizing service over financial gain. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science ...
Economic activities generate income, such as jobs or businesses, whereas non-economic activities, like volunteering, do not involve monetary compensation. Both contribute to society, with economic activities supporting livelihoods and non-economic enhancing community bonds. Class 6 NCERT Social Science Governance and Democracy ...
In the table on page 185, classify activities as either economic or non-economic. Economic activities involve earning income, while non-economic ones, like volunteering, do not generate money but contribute to community well-being. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and Beyond Class ...