The farmer hugged Buntee out of happiness and relief after finding him. He had been searching for Buntee since he disappeared, and their reunion brought him joy and comfort. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 2 Chapter 1 question answer class 6 ...
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listen to a story about ‘Unlikely Friends’. Use exact words from the story to fill up the missing details in the paragraph. (refer to page 71 for transcript). The leopard is a wild animal but it became a friend of ...
“Neither…nor” is used to negate two options, indicating that both are false or not applicable. “Either…or” presents two alternatives, suggesting that one must be chosen or is true. Each phrase connects ideas, emphasizing choice or absence. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi ...
The correct word is “mahout.” Just as Gajaraj and Buntee shared a close bond, the farmer and mahout also developed a friendship, highlighting how both humans and animals formed unexpected, yet meaningful relationships. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 2 Chapter ...
No, Buntee will likely not leave Gajaraj. Their deep friendship means Buntee feels emotionally attached to Gajaraj, and he may choose to stay with his elephant friend instead of the farmer. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 2 Friendship Class 6 English Poorvi ...